
How does working impact my Social Security Disability Benefits?

Who is the expert?

Hi - I’m Suzie and I’ve been a certified Social Security Disability benefits planner since 2007. My goal with this website is to help provide accurate information for those wanting to return to work so that they can utilize the work incentives that SSA provides to either completely transition off their benefits or supplement their benefits with working.

I’m also a parent of an adult daughter with Down syndrome who is nonverbal and receives services through the Intellectual Disability Waiver. Helping families understand what happens next when your child reaches 18 years old is why I decided to start my consulting business.

All of my services and support are no charge to those on SSA disabilities and their families. I consider this to be my way of giving back for all the assistance that I’ve received.


Contact Suzie

Send me your questions and include your email so that we can have a conversation about your specific situation. I also know a lot of other experts and like Woodrow Wilson said, “I not only use all the brains I have, but all that I can borrow.”

I will always try to provide you with direct links to Social Security’s policy and websites so that you can use those resources when contacting SSA.